Silverlight for mac sunset
Silverlight for mac sunset

It can run in a browser or desktop application, and it also supports Windows and Mac. Silverlight has indeed made a lot of achievements: it is a lightweight and secure cloud computing-centric client, and is no longer restricted by the Win32 GUI.

silverlight for mac sunset

And Microsoft's actual development route has indeed verified my ideas. When Microsoft released Visual Studio 2010, I told developers: Silverlight is very important, and it may become the future direction of the Microsoft client. What I have done is to give you a kind reminder: if you deploy your software on these platforms, it means that it will become more and more difficult for users to use your software, and your software will eventually be Abandoned by new technologies. And for the declining platforms I listed below, there are still many developments being actively deployed on them decline does not mean disappearing, and these platforms may still be running after decades. Many software is still widely used after the provider reduces investment or even stops development. Changes on the three platforms are still hard to detect. What are the specific changes? In short, the strategic deployment of the three platforms has decreased. For example, I heard that developers are switching from SOAP Web Services to REST, and the reason they withdraw from SOAP Web Services is not because REST is better than other methods, but because users have gradually switched from Windows to HTML, which makes SOAP Web Service is no longer suitable for their development. Although I am speaking from the perspective of users, users and service providers have always been closely linked and influenced each other.

silverlight for mac sunset

It seems too early to make a summary of the whole year, but now we can see that many major and profound changes have taken place in the software development field in 2011.

silverlight for mac sunset


Note: The foreign media ITJOBLOG regards Flash, Silverlight, and Win32 as the three platforms that are about to die out, and recommends technicians to pay attention to the three emerging platforms of iOS, Android and HTML5.

Silverlight for mac sunset